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One Capricorn and one Virgo in Vienna

Updated: Apr 10, 2019

"Bixinho" is an affectionate term of northeastern Brazil, to refer to someone close, and it is about affection the images here present, about different affections: the affection of the photographers to the art of photography, the romantic-sexual affection between two lovers, the affection of friendship.

Together with Raí Gandra and Helio Ronyvon we will present their amazing book "bixinho" at a Book Launch in Vienna. Join us on 18th of April at 19:30 and enjoy a day full of love and stunning pictures.

You will find us at Buchhandlung Löwenherz, Berggasse 8, 1090 Wien. Entry is free!

These photos can be a gun for those who hate, for those who try to deny our very existence, our love, our family. But our intention is not to hurt-yes, we are fighters, but if our art, our bodies can be weapons we chose to fight side by side the ones who love, staying strong, staying together. In the midst of chaos, hope resists, Marielle Vive!

And our bodies become resistance, beyond any and every art.

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